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Colleagues Working Together

Learning Areas 

K-6 All Subjects 


Students improve their linguistic and intercultural knowledge and understanding, as well as their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. The topics covered provide contexts for students to improve their Italian communication skills . Students gain an understanding of the culture and language of Italian-speaking communities by studying a variety of texts and text types.

Business Studies 

Theoretical and practical aspects of business and how they interact. Students will study current business issues through case studies and apply their knowledge to problems encountered in the workplace. Functions of business; Human resources, marketing,  operations and finance.

Legal Studies 

The nature and functions of law and law-making, the development of Australian and international legal systems, the Australian constitution and law reform. Students investigate the key areas of law, justice and human rights through a variety of focus studies which consider how changes in societies influence law reform.

Commerce  Year 7 - 10

 Commerce covers consumer, financial, economic, business, legal, political and employment issues. Students develop the ability to apply problem-solving strategies and evaluate options to make informed and responsible decisions as individuals and as part of the community.

English K- 10

Students learn to appreciate, reflect on, and make meaning in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretive, critical and persuasive. Includes critical skills; Reading, writing. grammar and punctuation.

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